KTC was published by USAC on .  The bidding period closes at 5pm on .  

USAC Links


  • : Posting Start Date
  • : Last Date for Submission of Vendor Questions
  • : All Vendor Questions Answered and Posted
  • : 5pm Proposal Deadline
  • : Proposal Analysis Commences

Questions & Answers

  • Question: Park DuValle has a mobile dental van, does it require connectivity?
    Answer: Please provide pricing for 4G wireless (or equivalent)
  • Question: Can you provide an updated diagram (Appendix A)
    Answer: Please see Updated Appendix A
  • Question: I would like to know if there is a brand preference parts list or a BOM I can reference for the RFP.
    Answer: Please provide pricing for the following (or equivalent)
    • Main Office (HCP#89147)
      • Meraki MX100 (or equivalent)
        • MX100-HW Meraki MX100 Router/Security Appliance (or equivalent)
        • LIC-MX100-ENT-5YR Meraki MX100 Enterprise License and Support, 5YR (or equivalent)
    • Newburg (HCP#89149)
      • Meraki MX68 (or equivalent)
        • MX68-HW Meraki MX68 Router/Security Appliance (or equivalent)
        • LIC-MX68-ENT-5YR Meraki MX68 Enterprise License and Support, 5YR (or equivalent)
    • Russell Neighborhood Health Center (HCP#89150)
      • Meraki MX68 (or equivalent)
        • MX68-HW Meraki MX68 Router/Security Appliance (or equivalent)
        • LIC-MX68-ENT-5YR Meraki MX68 Enterprise License and Support, 5YR (or equivalent)
    • Central High School (HCP#94255)
      • Meraki MX68 (or equivalent)
        • MX68-HW Meraki MX68 Router/Security Appliance (or equivalent)
        • LIC-MX68-ENT-5YR Meraki MX68 Enterprise License and Support, 5YR (or equivalent)
    • Taylorsville Community Health Center (HCP#89151)
      • Meraki MX68 (or equivalent)
        • MX68-HW Meraki MX68 Router/Security Appliance (or equivalent)
        • LIC-MX68-ENT-5YR Meraki MX68 Enterprise License and Support, 5YR (or equivalent)
    • Henry County Community Health Center (HPC#89144)
      • Meraki MX68 (or equivalent)
        • MX68-HW Meraki MX68 Router/Security Appliance (or equivalent)
        • LIC-MX68-ENT-5YR Meraki MX68 Enterprise License and Support, 5YR (or equivalent)
    • Pleasure Ridge Park (HCP#94257)
      • Meraki MX68 (or equivalent)
        • MX68-HW Meraki MX68 Router/Security Appliance (or equivalent)
        • LIC-MX68-ENT-5YR Meraki MX68 Enterprise License and Support, 5YR (or equivalent)
  • Question: I would like to get some clarification on the request, do you have a contact that is familiar with whom I could schedule a quick call?
    Answer: While the RFP is posted all questions must be submitted via email and will be responded to on this website. This ensures a fair and transparent RFP process and is a requirement for the Healthcare Connect Fund.