KTC was published by USAC on .  The bidding period closes at 5pm on .  

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  • : Posting Start Date
  • : Last Date for Submission of Vendor Questions
  • : All Vendor Questions Answered and Posted
  • : 5pm Proposal Deadline
  • : Proposal Analysis Commences

Questions & Answers

  • Question: In section 11.2 it references services to be provided and one of those services is dark fiber. The remainder of section 11 which states specific services for specific locations does not show any dark fiber services. Can you clarify if dark fiber services are requested and if so, what are the specifics regarding those services
    Answer: Please disregard, no dark fiber services are being requested.
  • Question: In section 11.1, the locations that are seeking services are listed. Multiple locations are on that list where the service needed is not specified throughout the remainder of section 11. An example would be Central Kentucky Surgery Center, HCP27583. Can I get clarification as to whether services are needed at the locations that do not have a specific requirements listed throughout the remainder of section 11? And if so, for the locations that don’t show requirements, what are those requirements?
    Answer: The HCF program, in some cases, allows HCPs to add, move, or change services without going back out to bid for the term of a new contract. If you could provide pricing for WAN services (point-to-point, Multipoint-to-multipoint, and/or internet) at the missing locations between 1.5 Mbps and 1 Gbps this could reduce the complexity of the funding process in the future.
  • Question: In an instance where a provider may be unable to provide all services(i.e. voice), is the provider able to engage a 3rd party and include that on their RFP response?
    Answer: In the event that a service provider is unable to provide all services, "CTC invites Responding Vendors to bid on the whole network or individual sites, services, and/or facilities." as noted in the RFP. Also Type II services are acceptable as long as the proposed services are billed by the responding vendor.